




English Literature: the 20th Century & the 19th Century

        This survey course will introduce the historical development of English literature in the 19th century and the 20th century. It will evaluate the multi-facet relationship between literary tradition and the individual talent, while mapping out the historical context of literary progress in modern Britain. 

        Students are encouraged to appreciate two classic novels of English literature: Heart of Darkness---the epitome of modern literature, and Wuthering Heights--- a great novel of love. This course combines language-learning with reading literary works, and ultimately aims to enhance students’ awareness of the cultural setting of the English language.

1.     Introduction : Into the 20th century

2.           *Changing Life: Modern Men and Women

Lawrence, Why the Novel Matters (2601) ; Odour of Chrysanthemums (2576); The Horse-Dealer’s Daughter2590; Woolf, Modern Fiction2429

3.           *Modern Novel and Life

        Joyce, The Dead2507

4.           *Poet and the Modern World

Yeats, The Lake Isle of Innisfree (2391); Easter 19162397; The Wild Swans at Coole (2399); The Second Coming2402; Sailing to Byzantium2406; T. S. Eliot, The Hollow Men (2628); The Waste Land (2620-24); Dylan Thomas, Poem in October (2707); Larkin, Aubade (2716); Walcott, The Season of Phantasmal Peace (2773); Heaney, Digging (2789)

5.           *Gender, Family, and Society

Jean Rhys, The Day They Burned the Books (2657)Gordimer, The Moment before the Gun Went Off (2718)

K. Mansfield, The Garden Party (2646); Munro, Walker Brothers Cowboy (2778)

6.           *Fiction, Brutality, and Nation

Brian Friel, Translations (2724)

7.           Conrad, Heart of Darkness2329

8.           Heart of Darkness

9.           *Fin de Siècle: the Transition

Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest (2222)

10.        Midterm Exam

11.       Introduction : Culture, Technology , and the 19th century

Arnold, The Buried Life (2096); Culture and Anarchy (2126); Carlyle, Past and Present (1916-20);

Tennyson, Locksley Hall (1966)

12.       *Work and Gender

Tennyson, The Lady of Shalott (1953); The Lotos-Eaters (1958); Ulysses (1962); Elizabeth Browning, Sonnets from the Portuguese (1926); Aurora Leigh (1942-46); Robert Browning, Porphyria’s Lover (2054); Rossetti, “Song” (2139)

13.       *The Great 19th Century Novel

Wuthering Heights

14.        Wuthering Heights

15.        Wuthering Heights

16.        *Psyche, Mind, and Beyond

Stevenson, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (2169)

17.        The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

18.        Final Exam



*Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 11/e (書林 & Kindle); Concise Oxford English Dictionary 12/e (誠品); *Oxford Dictionary of English, 3/e (Kindle);《英漢大辭典》,陸谷孫主編 (東華)

*Amazon Kindle (with free Oxford Dictionary of English, 2/e)

黑暗之心》,鄧鴻樹譯注 (聯經,20068)

《咆哮山莊》,伍晴文 (好讀20117)

《不可兒戲》,余光中譯 (九歌,20125)

《化身博士》,楊玉娘譯 (小倉,20107)



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