經典研讀 Orality and Literacy 研讀大綱

 時 間: 2008/1/3 ( 四 ) 13:30-15:30

 閱讀進度: Orality and Literacy , “(Ch3) some psychodynamics of orality” pp 46-56


 主 讀 人:劉忠岳

Homeostatic 原狀穩定

*  Oral societies live very much in a present which keeps itself in equilibrium or homeostasis by slough off memories which no longer have preset relevance.

*  Words are known to have layers of meaning. Dictionaries advertise semantic discrepancies.

*  Oral cultures have no dictionaries and few semantic discrepancies. The meaning of each word is controlled by ‘direct semantic ratification'.

*  Oral traditions reflect a society's present cultural values rather than idle curiosity about the past.

*  Memory of the old meaning of old terms thus has some durability, but not unlimited durability.


Situational rather than abstract 情境式而非抽像式

*  All conceptual thinking is to a degree abstract. Each individual object is truly concrete, but the term we apply to the individual object is in itself abstract.

*  Oral cultures tend to use concepts in situational, operational frames of reference that are minimally abstract in the sense that they remain close to the living human world.

*  From Luria's report, it takes only a moderate degree of literacy to make a tremendous difference in thought processes.

(1)  Illiterate (oral) subjects identified geometrical figures by assigning them the name of objects, never abstractly as circles, squares, etc.

(2)  Illiterate subjects consistently thought of the group not in categorical terms but in terms of practical situations – ‘situational thinking'.

(3)  Illiterate subjects seemed not to operate with formal deductive procedures at all. Syllogisms relate to thought, but in practical matters no one operates in formally stated syllogisms.

(4)  Requests for definitions of even the most concrete objects met with resistance. Why define, when a real-life setting is infinitely more satisfactory than a definition?

(5)  Illiterates had difficulty in articulate self-analysis. Self-evaluation modulated into group evaluation (we) and then handled in terms of expected reactions from others.

*  Writing has to be personally interiorized to affect thinking processes.

*  Nor must we imagine that orally based thought is ‘prelogical' or ‘illogical' in any simplistic sense.

 經典研讀 Orality and Literacy 讀書會記錄

 時 間: 2008/1/3 ( 四 ) 13:30-15:30

 地 點:台東大學知本校區 兒童文學討論室 (3)

 閱讀進度: Orality and Literacy , (Ch3) “some psychodynamics of orality” pp 46-57


 主 讀 人:劉忠岳


 記 錄 人:劉琬琳



-  令人不決於口,而不普通 (addictive rather than subordinative)

-  聚合式而非分析式 (aggregative rather than analytic)

-  是多餘的還是「重述」 (redundant or “copious”)

-  是固守成規還是維護傳統 (conservative or traditionalist)

-  與人類生活息息相關 (close to the human lifeworld)

-  求效果、好鬥的 (agnostically toned)

-  投入並與人共享,而非保持客觀距離的 (empathetic and participatory rather than objectively distanced)

  本週要繼續從下一項特徵「原狀穩定 (homeostatic) 」談下去。所謂的原狀穩定是指維持在現狀的,在口述文化是活在當下的,不會去保存過去的東西,作者在這裡是以非洲的系譜學作為例證,當某些回憶 (memory) 已經失去了與現實的關連性,它的意義就會被遺忘。而在文字時代,眾所皆知的事情是字詞 (word) 是具有多層面意義的,而字典呈現意義、文法的多重意義,正好宣揚著文字的歧異性,這和口傳時代相比這是非常不同的,因為在口傳文化中意義都是單一的。

  在口傳文化中,每個詞彙的意義是由「直接符號認可 (direct semantic ratification) 」來控制的,詞彙的意義主要看生活裡有沒有這樣的經驗,而非其合理性,作者在這邊以「金」和「北極熊」對不同文化的價值作為例證說明。而其意義反應的事當下社會的價值,而非過去的;嘴上不說自己,而以團體為單位,和文字時代相比,口傳文化的人比較沒有「個人」的概念。而那些就有詞彙的意義仍是有持續性的,只不過並非無上限的持續性。



  Luria 的研究以不識字的人作為研究對象,因為不識字的狀態較為接近口傳時代人類的狀態,藉此瞭解當時的人的思維方式。在研究中有幾項發現:

(1) 不識字(口傳)的人認形狀是用物體的名稱,如「盤子」、「月亮」等,而不會用「圓形」這樣抽象的概念

(2) 不識字的人的思考是情境式 (situational thinking) 的,他會用實際的情況、生活的功用來作為分類的準則,而不是用類別的抽象概念。歸類其實是一種語言的訓練。

(3) 不識字的人看似無法進行任何正式演繹思辯。三段論法跟思考有關,但事實上,根本沒有人會用正式三段論法的方式思考。

(4) 不識字的人在被要求說出物品的定義(既使是非常具體的物體)時都很抗拒。當實際生活情境已經更完善地定義了那項物體,為何還要其他的定義呢?

(5) 不識字的人有自我表述的困難,他們對於自我的認識來自於團體的觀感,因此對於自我的定位必須來自於他人的回應。





-  原狀穩定 (homeostatic)

-  直接符號認可 (direct semantic ratification)


