經典研讀 Orality and Literacy 研讀大綱

 時 間: 2007/5/13 ( 二 ) 15:30-17:30

 閱讀進度: Orality and Literacy , “(Ch5) print, space and closure” pp127-135

 本週主題:活版印刷之後 ---- 電子時代

 主 讀 人:吳亞馨

More diffuse effects of ‘Print'

ˇ  it encouraged and made possible on a large scale the quantification of knowledge.

•  iconographic figures

•  the desire to legislate for correctness in language → dictionaries

•  reinforce the sense of language as essential textual

•  develop the personal privacy that marks modern society: solo reading → silent reading

•  create a new sense of the private ownership


Print and Closure: Intertextuality

ˇ  enclose thoughts in thousands of copies of a work of exactly the same visual and physical consistency.

ˇ  represent the words of an author in definitive or ‘final' form, however, manuscript culture thinks

•  manuscripts are closer to the give-and-take of oral expression

•  the readers of manuscripts are less absent

•  verbal art to be more in touch with oral plenum


Post-typography: Electronics

 “The electronic transformation of verbal expression has both deepened the commitment of the word…… has brought consciousness to a new age of secondary orality” (p 133)

ˇ  electronic devices are not eliminating printed books but are producing more of them

ˇ  composition on computer terminals is replacing older forms of typographic compositions

ˇ  mass media such as telephone, radio, television has brought us into the age of the so-called ‘secondary orality'

ˇ  the relationship of primary and secondary orality

•  secondary orality generates a sense for group: McLuhan's ‘global villiage'

•  people in the age of secondary orality are groupminded self-consciously

•  the sameness: spontaneity

•  time cannot turn back: a presidential debate on TV → the audience is absent, invisible and inaudible

 經典研讀 Orality and Literacy 讀書會記錄

 時 間: 2008/5/13 ( 二 ) 15:00-17:30

 地 點:台東大學知本校區 兒童文學討論室 (3)

 閱讀進度: Orality and Literacy , (Ch5) “ p rint, space and closure ” pp 127-135

 本週主題:活版印刷之後 ---- 電子時代

 主 讀 人:吳亞馨


 記 錄 人:劉琬琳


•  more diffuse effects of “Print”

( p128 )印刷增加書籍推廣

1.  iconographic figures :例如 William Blake 的 “songs of innocence” 那樣把文字放在圖片裡一種意象化的過程

2.  字典的產生∼∼要求正確性,但同時也是一種規範,語言的規範。

3.  reinforce the sense of language as essential textual

4.  強化了個人的獨立性( personal privacy ),音樂閱讀( sole reading )是個極為個人化的行為。

5.  大家對文字的掌控是有所有權的。在口說的時代,比較沒有「所有權」這樣的觀念,在口說變成文字之後,才會有「智慧財產權」嘛。歌謠、模式、主題過去是可以 share 的,現在不行了, plagiarism 這個問題才浮現的。 ‘plagiaiarius' 的字元意思在現在非常負面。

•  print and closure: intertextuality

1.  consistency

2.  manuscript :手抄本的東西可能每一本都會有差異,其支持者認為「手抄本是更接近口語文化的( give and take )」、「觀眾比較不那麼疏離( absent )」、「語法上( verbal art )」例如莎士比亞劇中的詩。

•  post-trpography: electronics

1.  “The electronic transformation of verbal expression has both deepened the commitment of the word…… has brought consciousness to a new age of secondary orality.” 第二次口說時期 (secondary orality) ,而 ‘secondary' 這個字除了第二以外,尚有「間接的、次要的」等意涵

2.  the relationship of primary and secondary orality :已經不可能回到 primary orality ,就連過去聚眾聆聽的政治辯論會,如今也發展為透過電視專播的形式,所以我們看到的都是媒體決定要告訴我們的事情。魯漢也曾經談過媒體操作的情況,有的時候眼見不見得為憑( seeing is not always believing )。

3.  在媒體轉移的過程裡,人類的情感因素也該列入考量之內,由於我們對若干物件皆會有感情,所以會可以的保留它,例如電視的出現並沒有讓廣播消失,電子書也沒有取代紙本書的地位。

